March 2022

What makes violence ?

The ACF-VD asked me to create a poster announcing a conference on the origin of violence in humans.

The objective for the poster was not to represent violence in an explicit, figurative way, but rather to suggest it via abstract or semi-abstract imagery.

A first draft of the poster uses a concentric abstract geometric shape, representing the vicious circle of violence. The shape is in some ways similar to a cell, adding the element of life inherent in the concept of violence.

Une forme géométrique concentrique
Une première affiche utilisant cette forme

The second idea, finally retained, is to “glitch” an image, this technique simulates the artifacts of technical failure, of corruption of a digital support.

une image glitchée
Une image “glitchée” d’une certaine manière
une autre image glitchée
Une autre image “glitchée” d’une certaine manière

Corruption is here linked to the human dimension to mean violence, a corruption of the human spirit.

original image
A teenager in front of a contemporary art work, an assembly of white neon lights in a white tunnel
glitched image
This same image, but with glitch artifacts
final poster, front
The final poster, using the previous “glitched” image
l'affiche finale, verso
Le verso de l’affiche, contenant un texte explicatif
On ACF-VD’s website

made with